So, thou has cometh to exploreth this pageth to take a looketh at the beautiful poetry I have writteneth as timeth slowly passed byeth. As each yeareth, each month, each dayeth, each houreth, each secondeth, each millisecondeth... alright, alright, I'll quit driving 'ya crazy by putting a stopeth to this weirdeth wayeth of talkingeth. :o)
Anyway, I'll go straight to the point now. Here you can find all the poems I have written from when I was a child up to the present. I classified them into classifications (duh) to make it more convenient for y'all. I described the classifications so you'll know what you'll find there.
By the way, since I'm also an *ahem* musician, I've also composed several songs. Most of the time, I just used my poetry as lyrics. :o) So I decided to put the lyrics up here too. Now onwardeth... and goeth exploreth the magic of poetry! ;o)
Early Poems/Prayers
I made these poems When I was a kid In prep and in Grade 1 I wrote them, I did
None of them are rhyming And the grammar's wrong too Plus, there's incorrect spelling But they're cute, and ain't few
Miscellaneous Poems
Just a bunch of poems that's about anything at all Just for fun, or point of views Reading them'll give you a ball!
Personal Poems
When there are special occasions You know what I do? I write a poem for the celebrant And it's dedicated to him too
I decided to call these poems "Personal Poems" I did 'Cause each of them were made specially and personally for someone, whether old or a kid
Song Lyrics
Poetry and music A wonderful pair When combined it makes a song pretty and fair
Note: All poems here are ©Copyrighted by Melissa "Miki" Kaori Silva L., namely me. Copying any of these poems without giving credit to the writer will be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is a crime. But, you can take the poems, as long as you give credit to me, 'k?